Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Stereotypes of Feminism by Elizabeth Roden

Feminist. When that word is heard, images of man-hating, bra burning, manly women invade the mind. The typical stereotypes of women who crave enhanced female authority are mentioned time and time again. However, why do we think such things? Is it because the active feminist today are in fact simple minded and don't think twice to not shave their legs for a few days or ten? Or is it because there is a growing fear that someone is threatening sacred territory?

"Feminist all think the same way." A classic stereotype reared from the simplicity of feminist supporters. Even though feminist are working towards a common goal, it is not a cult or gang that someone can be kicked out of if they think differently. Feminist women all believe in certain issues that relates to the woman figure gaining recognition. Because they believe in the same issues they effortlessly receive the term "unoriginal".

Somehow people like to believe that a woman who is fighting for feminism hates sex, and people of the opposite sex. There are always people who will hate other people. Some women will in fact dislike men while some men will dislike women. However, for the majority this is not the case. Feminist are fighting for equal rights, not to downgrade men into the level women have risen from. And as for sex, I'm not sure why they are seen to “not like” it when they are fighting to be released from the common misconception that women who like sex are sluts.1

Housewives vs. the feminist. Some feminist will (again there will always be some) hate moms who chose to child-rear in the safety of their home. Feminist believe that women should have the option to pursue a higher education and be payed the same as men who dished out the same amount of cash for the same education to obtain the same career. Some are inevitably going to be bitter that a woman has chosen to yeild to an issue they are fighting vicously to irradicate. But, yet again, for most this is not true. Many coming from families themselves, most know that being a mother is strenuous. And many believe that there should be more option to make a choice to stay home, however that is difficult because of financial situations.
Although there are some who are ignorantly stereotyped into these categories, most do not fit. Women are afraid to call themselves a feminist because it receives a negative connotation. To stand up for oneself is an incredibly positive trait and trumphs the rest of the unfavorable statements. There should be no shame in labeling oneself as a feminist.

1"Stereotypes About Feminism."Experience Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. <>. 

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