Friday, January 31, 2014

Hooking up and how it affects young adults by Michael rankin

Okay first off I would like to define the term hooking up. Hooking up refers to as brief uncommitted sexual encounters between individuals who are not romantic partners or dating each other.

In a large Web-based study of 1,468 undergraduate students, participants reported a variety of consequences: 27.1 percent felt embarrassed, 24.7 percent reported emotional difficulties, 20.8 percent experienced loss of respect, and 10 percent reported difficulties with a steady partner. In a sample women's depressive feelings increased with the number of previous sexual hook ups.  In a study of both men and women those who had participated in sexual hook ups had lower self esteem then those who had not. After hooking up you can feel like why should I try and find anyone I'm just an object used for pleasure.

Some other issues with hooking up are of course sexually transmitted diseases. In a study of college students of the 456 sexually active students only 46% reported that they used a condom. Which can lead to unwanted pregnancies. Also a number of hook ups are not actually wanted even though they say yes.

In my opinion hook ups there is no good in hooking up. I do not judge anyone who does do this because it is your choice.  However depression, regret, guilt, loss of self esteem, diseases, and babies. Why would anyone want any of this. I know some people don't feel these things because they just don't care. But that person will most likely never truly find a partner they can be with forever. Yes hooking up can give you a satisfaction but in my opinion it is nothing compared to the satisfaction of finding a woman that you can be with for the rest of your life without being with anyone else.

All this hooking up is ruining real dates and chances of meeting a real person that you could fall in love with. People are being pressured into this lifestyle of hooking up with someone because "everyone is doing it."  It's degrading I don't see how anyone would want to be just a means to a climax. It only brings a temporary satisfaction that turns into loneliness and guilt. I feel as though anyone who lives this way hides that they are lonely or depressed or that hey feel ashamed. They do not want to admit it to anyone but deep down they know there's a hole that can only be filled by really dating and meeting the right one.

Garcia, Justin R. "Sexual Hook-up Culture." N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

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