Friday, January 31, 2014
Hooking up and how it affects young adults by Michael rankin
Okay first off I would like to define the term hooking up. Hooking up refers to as brief uncommitted sexual encounters between individuals who are not romantic partners or dating each other.
In a large Web-based study of 1,468 undergraduate students, participants reported a variety of consequences: 27.1 percent felt embarrassed, 24.7 percent reported emotional difficulties, 20.8 percent experienced loss of respect, and 10 percent reported difficulties with a steady partner. In a sample women's depressive feelings increased with the number of previous sexual hook ups. In a study of both men and women those who had participated in sexual hook ups had lower self esteem then those who had not. After hooking up you can feel like why should I try and find anyone I'm just an object used for pleasure.
Some other issues with hooking up are of course sexually transmitted diseases. In a study of college students of the 456 sexually active students only 46% reported that they used a condom. Which can lead to unwanted pregnancies. Also a number of hook ups are not actually wanted even though they say yes.
In my opinion hook ups there is no good in hooking up. I do not judge anyone who does do this because it is your choice. However depression, regret, guilt, loss of self esteem, diseases, and babies. Why would anyone want any of this. I know some people don't feel these things because they just don't care. But that person will most likely never truly find a partner they can be with forever. Yes hooking up can give you a satisfaction but in my opinion it is nothing compared to the satisfaction of finding a woman that you can be with for the rest of your life without being with anyone else.
All this hooking up is ruining real dates and chances of meeting a real person that you could fall in love with. People are being pressured into this lifestyle of hooking up with someone because "everyone is doing it." It's degrading I don't see how anyone would want to be just a means to a climax. It only brings a temporary satisfaction that turns into loneliness and guilt. I feel as though anyone who lives this way hides that they are lonely or depressed or that hey feel ashamed. They do not want to admit it to anyone but deep down they know there's a hole that can only be filled by really dating and meeting the right one.
Garcia, Justin R. "Sexual Hook-up Culture." N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.
The Jeanne Clery Act By Aaron Roberts
By Aaron Roberts
The Clery Act is a federal
law also known as the Campus Security Act.
This law mandates that all universities share information about the
crimes committed on or around campus.
This act was proposed and passed into law in the wake of a tragic event
in 1986 at Lehigh University where a 19 year old freshman female named Jeanne
Clery was raped and murdered in one of its residence halls on campus.
![]() |
Jeanne Clery |
According to the Clery
Center, this act comes with several requirements for colleges and universities
to fulfill. An annual security report
must be published by October 1st of each year, which should include
statistics of certain crime statistics from the previous three years. Another requirement the act mandates is to
have a public crime log. This log
contains the date, location, time and nature of the crime that has been
committed as well as the disposition if known.
This information has to be recorded within two business days of the
incident. [1]
The Clery Center states that there
are seven major categories of reported crimes with sub-divisions under
them. The first is Criminal Homicide
with subdivision being a.) Murder and non-negligent manslaughter and b.)
Negligent manslaughter. The second
category is Sex Offenses with subdivision of a.) Forcible and b.)
Non-Forcible. The third category is
Robbery with no subdivision. The fourth
category is Aggravated Assault with no subdivision. The fifth category is Burglary, with
subdivisions stating a.) There is evidence of unlawful trespass, b.) Unlawful
entry must have structure (four walls and a door and a roof) and c.) The entry
was made for the purpose of committing a theft of felony. The sixth category is Motor Vehicle Theft
with no subdivisions. The seventh
category is arson. Along with these
statistics, colleges and universities must also report Liquor Law Violations, Drug
Law Violations, and Illegal Weapons Violations. [1]
Along with these crimes, hate
crimes must also be documented with categories including gender, religion,
race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability. Along with those statistics, documentation
must also be included in four categories if it was indeed a hate crime, these
categories include:
1.) Larceny
2.) Simple Assault
3.) Intimidation
4.) Destruction of Property
Institutions must also issue
warnings that reach everyone on campus from students to faculty about crimes
mentioned in the Clery Act. If there is
an immediate threat to health, there must be an emergency response that
includes notifying the campus community, as well as testing it. Each school also has to report fire data to
the federal government as well as publish an annual fire safety report. [1]
The Clery Act was put into
place to help protect people on campuses of colleges and universities in
addition to raise awareness of possible threats in the area.
[1] “Summary of The Jeanne
Clery Act” accessed January 31st, 2014
Abortion – Pro Life / Pro Choice - Bhargav Patel
– Pro Life / Pro Choice
The debate
of abortion (pro-life or pro-choice) has been one a long lasting one in the
United States and the rest of the world. I want to get one thing out of the way,
I am pro-choice and I stand by it, but I respect the views of people who are
pro-life and can to some extent why they chose that. Below I am going to talk
about both sides and a fine gray line in the middle.
Abortion is
basically the termination of human pregnancy and it is usually performed in the
first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion when done properly is considered to be
one of the safest medical procedures. But if done incorrectly they can cause a
lot of trouble. Incorrect abortions result to around 70000 maternal deaths
annually. There are approximately 44 million abortions performed annually in
the world and about half of those are not performed correctly. ("Abortion" )
The rate at
which abortions have been happening have stabilized in recent years due to the accessibility
of family planning services offered throughout the world. Forty percent of the
world’s women have the right to abort legally if induced.
Now I debate
for Pro-Choice and I have various points to back my stance. Pro-Choice has to
deal with freedom of choice and specifically freedom. Freedom is the basic
fundamental on which our country was founded. Therefore going against
Pro-Choice I believe that you are against individual freedom. Talking about
this debate I believe every female has the right to do whatever she feels is
right which includes her decision to abort….up to a certain extent.
There are
many factors that go into deciding whether to abort or not. It starts with how
the conception happened. If it was something horrific as rape, incest or any
other assault the women has a right to choose regardless. Even if it was teen
pregnancy the women has the right to choose. If a couple has conceived but know
they are not ready for a child and cannot afford it then the woman can choose
to abort and to me that is perfectly acceptable. Why bring a child into this
world when you are not able to give it a fighting chance and a good life in the
world. No offense, it is just going to be another child that is a burden on
society and itself. The child will probably be in foster care or on the streets
under bad influence where there may be horrible conditions.
Talking a
bit on the Pro-life side, I understand some views and support them. There has
to be a fine line about the time period in which you can abort. Once you have
conceived there is some time you can take to think about what step you want to
take next. After 3-3 ½ months there should be a cut off line in which after
that time period has passed there should be no abortions allowed. You have had
plenty of time by then and there is no going back as it gets more complicated.
I also
believe that Sex-Selection cannot be a reason for abortion and should not be
allowed in any case. No person should be allowed to abort just because they did
not want a girl or a boy and I feel that those people who do that are horrible
and should be punished. So basically these are my views on abortions and I stand
for choice but there have to legitimate reasons for abortion.
- Wikipedia, "Abortion." Accessed January 31, 2014.
Sex in colonial era and present
Colonial vs. Present era
Dangers of Birth Control
Problems from Birth Control
[1] Mayo
Clinic, "Birth Control pill FAQ:Benefits, risks, and choices." Last
modified 5 21, 2013. Accessed January 31, 2014.
[2] Health,
"7 Common Birth Control Side Effects." Last modified 2014. Accessed
January 31, 2014.,,20408202,00.html.
[3] Body
Ecology, "The Dangers Every Woman Needs to Know About the Birth Control
Pill." Last modified 5 29, 2008. Accessed January 31, 2014.
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